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当前位置:首页苹果软件摄影软件 → Polite Camera 2.4.1 ios官方版
Polite Camera 2.4.1 ios官方版

Polite Camera 2.4.1 ios官方版

  • 分类:摄影软件
  • 大小:16.7 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:2.4.1
  • 时间:2024-02-05 18:36:19
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdjNf72Vrimg8dDPNYyqQQ97n2-GSh1VPoZ4J3NFrtSd7AoQ/viewform
  • 厂商:Maria Ormodi
  • 平台:iOS 13.5 或更高版本
  • 标签: 摄影与录像

软件Tags: 摄影与录像

Now all user settings are saved for maximum convenience and speed!!

The Polite Camera application let's you take pictures or make fantastic videos with your phone even in situations when the brightness of your phone would disturb others especially if you are sitting in the first row.

Imagine the following situations when this application is very useful:
- you are watching the performance of your child in the parents evening in the primary or high school. The light is off in the room. The brightness of your phone would ruin the performance.
- you are on a wedding of your friends and you are making a video or taking photoes of the event. The brightness of your phone would ruin the event.
- you are invited to the concert of your friend. You are sitting in the first row and would like to take some photoes or make video. The brightness of your phone would bother the others whom would like to enjoy the performance.

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