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Politonus III (Ear Training) 3.2.1 ios官方版

Politonus III (Ear Training) 3.2.1 ios官方版

  • 分类:音乐软件
  • 大小:82.9 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:3.2.1
  • 时间:2024-01-17 09:34:39
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://mdecks.com/politonus3-eartraining.phtml
  • 平台:iOS 14.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 音乐

软件Tags: 音乐

Politonus III will help you improve your ability to identify scales and modes from the most important source-scales:
Ionian (Major), Melodic Minor, Harmonic Minor.

This app uses machine learning to create the next exercise based on your progress. Politonus III will create a series of “reverse ear training” exercises in which you must change the music being played into the requested scale. Each half moon controls a degree in the scale. Tap on a moon to toggle between two possible states which will change that degree by a half-step. There will be one to three moons depending on the current level.
You will not know which degree each moon is controlling, nor which state makes the pitch higher/lower. You must use your ears to figure it out.

The scales and modes included the app are:
Ionian (major) and all its modes: Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian , Mixolydian , Aeolian , Locrian
Melodic minor (and all its modes): Dorian b2, Lydian #5, Lydian b7, Mixolydian b13, Locrian n9, Altered
Harmonic minor (and all its modes): Locrian n13, Ionian #5, Dorian #4, Mixolydian b9 b13, Lydian #9, Altered Dominant o7

Your goal is to move all these modes from the unfamiliar zone into the proficient zone. Politonus III will help you achieve your goal in no time.
The Politonus apps were designed by musicians for musicians.

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