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Jayson 1.4.2 ios官方版

Jayson 1.4.2 ios官方版

  • 分类:工具软件
  • 大小:29.8 MB
  • 语言:丹麦语, 英语
  • 版本:1.4.2
  • 时间:2024-01-17 09:22:49
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://jayson.app
  • 厂商:Simon Stovring
  • 平台:iOS 13.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 软件开发工具

软件Tags: 软件开发工具

Jayson is a simple yet powerful JSON viewer and editor with Siri Shortcuts, Share Sheet Actions and URL schemes.

Features include:

- Browse JSON files stored on your device.
- Toggle between viewing JSON in a table or as syntax highlighted text.
- Tabbed interface to quickly switch between files or different objects in a single file.
- Use multiple splits to easily compare JSON documents in a single file or across multiple files.
- Multiple windows on the iPad allows for even more options to browse and edit JSON documents.
- Parse text or the contents of a URL in your clipboard to JSON.
- Siri Shortcuts that parse JSON from a text or a link stored in your clipboard. The shortcuts can open the JSON in the app or preview it in an interactive notification.
- Share Sheet Actions for parsing JSON from plain text, loading JSON from a link and importing files as JSON.
- URL schemes for parsing a text, loading the contents of a link as JSON or parsing the contents of your clipboard.
- Choose a location on your device to store imported files.
- Highlight a key from a child of an array to quickly get an overview.
- Short videos that help you get started with the app.

Features that require the "Unlock Everything" in-app purchase:

- Switch between light and dark themes.
- Changing the visual appearance, including the app icon, accent color and type icons.
- Opening more than two tabs.

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