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HarmonicMeanCalc ios官方版

HarmonicMeanCalc ios官方版

  • 分类:生活软件
  • 大小:9.6 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:
  • 时间:2024-01-10 09:06:53
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.termsfeed.com/live/fb5a18f7-a5a8-4ec1-b9dd-fe4dc6b8b321
  • 厂商:Raymi Banu
  • 平台:iOS 11.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 工具

软件Tags: 工具

HarmonicMeanCalc is a professional Harmonic Mean calculator that supports calculating the Harmonic Mean of up to 99 numbers. You can slide the slider to select the number of values you want to calculate, fill them in, and let us help you get the answer.
Of course, we also provide a save result feature for you. Simply press the save icon on the result screen to save the calculated answer.

The Harmonic Mean is a type of average that is calculated by taking the reciprocal of each number in a set and then finding the arithmetic mean of those reciprocals. It is commonly used in mathematics, statistics, and science to find the average of two or more different values, such as rates of change or resistances in an electrical circuit. The formula for calculating the Harmonic Mean is:
H = n / Σ(1/x)
where H is the harmonic mean, n is the number of values being averaged, and x is each value in the set. The symbol Σ represents the summation of all the values. The Harmonic Mean is particularly useful when dealing with rates of change or proportions, as it gives a more accurate representation of the data than other types of averages, such as the Arithmetic Mean.

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