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Wound Measurement 5.2 ios官方版

Wound Measurement 5.2 ios官方版

  • 分类:健康软件
  • 大小:623.6 KB
  • 语言:英语, 西班牙文
  • 版本:5.2
  • 时间:2024-01-03 09:32:55
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://jpmtech.io/
  • 厂商:Chase Lewis
  • 平台:iOS 15.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 医疗

软件Tags: 医疗

This App was designed specifically to help those in the medical field as well as individuals who deal with wounds on a daily basis. It is meant to replace the need for using unsanitary paper rulers and other unsanitary means of measuring the width, height, and depth of a wound on a patient or yourself. This saves you not only the cost of a separate measuring device each time a wound is measured, but also helps to reduce the chance of infection that can come from touching a measurement device to an open wound.

With the Wound Measurement App, you can measure a wound opening one-handed, reducing some of the problems that can come with measuring a wound in a difficult spot. Once the measurements are complete, a label with appear above the wound with the measurements and you can save a picture of both the measurements and the opening all at the same time, saving you time and effort.

Users now have the ability to add patient information to the label including Patient ID, Patient Name, and Wound Location. The date and time appear on the label automatically to help you keep track of when a measurement was taken.

We respect the privacy of our users and their patients. We cannot and will not access the camera or photos remotely. Please note that the app will need to be allowed to use your phone’s camera only to take the measurements, and it will need to be allowed to save a photo to the photos library. If you do not wish to keep a photo, you can always go to your photos library and delete anything you don't want to keep. We also don’t collect or ask for any information from the user, we feel that your apps and information belong to you, and that you should have complete control of your privacy.

Like most people, we don’t like having to see adds all over the place, so we don’t use any adds in this app.

Features List:
-Simple to use, with easy access to instructions.
-Easy, one-handed operation.
-Augmented Reality, tested for accuracy.
-Does not require internet or cellular connection to take measurements or save photos.
-Sanitary - nothing touches the wound.
-In poor lighting conditions, the flashlight can be turned on from within the App.
-Allows you to track the healing process easily and visually through photos saved from the App.
-Users can add information to the wound label (Patient ID, Patient Name, Wound Location).
-Date and time now automatically appear on the wound label to help you keep track of the healing progress.
-Light or Dark mode

Compatible with iOS devices from iPhone 7 and up.

For the best results in Augmented Reality, keep the phone perpendicular to the surface you want to measure.

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