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Good Grapher Pro 3.3.3 ios官方版

Good Grapher Pro 3.3.3 ios官方版

  • 分类:教育软件
  • 大小:10.7 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:3.3.3
  • 时间:2023-12-27 12:07:47
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.goodgrapher.com/ios/
  • 厂商:Iurii Mozharovskyi
  • 平台:iOS 7.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 教育

软件Tags: 教育

Good Grapher™ - great and very powerful scientific graphing calculator. It will become your reliable assistant from elementary school to university and work.

Customer reviews:
"Amazing app! I love it. It has Many great features that beat my T83"
"Best calculator. It's my favorite app now ) Functionality and usability is on top level."

- History tape
- real and complex numbers
- radians and degrees angle modes, support for minutes, seconds, grads
- constants: astronomical, atomic, electromagnetic, mathematical, physicochemical, universal
- functions: sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc, sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, asin, acos, asec, acsc, atan, acot, asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth, log2, log10, ln, logn(n,x) (log x with base n), √, ³√, abs, avg, ceil, floor, round, deg2rad, rad2deg, max, min, sgn, lcm, gcd, nCr, nPr, arg, real, imag, conj, polar
- operators: +, -, *, /, % (modulus), ^, ! (factorial), ' (minutes), " (seconds), {grad}
- ← - assignment operator and A, B,…,J variables for values storage
- copy/email calculations

- carefully-designed graph visualization with multi-touch support (pinch to zoom and drag to scroll)
- cartesian y(x) and x(y), polar r(θ), parametric x(t) y(t), implicit graphs
- inequalities drawing
- function tracing and automatic min/max, zeros, intersections scanning for all function types
- intersection discovering between different function types, e.g. between cartesian y=x and polar r=1
- unlimited number of functions can be drawn simultaneously
- standard, trigonometric and logarithmic axes
- proportional and non-proportional scaling
- customizable graph colors
- table of graph values
- copy, save, email screenshot

- pinch to zoom and drag to rotate
- cartesian x(y,z), y(x,z), z(x,y), cylindrical x(p,φ), y(p,φ), z(p,φ), spherical r(θ,φ), parametric xyz(u,v) and implicit graphs
- inequalities drawing
- points, lines, surface drawing modes
- configurable graph bounds
- copy, save, email screenshot

- polynomial solver:
2x - 3 = 0 (linear)
3x² + 4x + 8 = 0 (quadratic)
5x³ + 2x² - 4x + 2 = 0 (cubic)
7x⁴ - 2x³ + 3x² + 2x - 1 = 0 (quartic)
- system of linear equations solver
with 2 unknown
2x - 9 = 9
3x + 4y = -13
with 3 unknown
-5x + 4y + 2z = -4
7x + 2y + 3z = 19
3x + 5y - 1z = 10

Good Grapher is also available on the Mac App Store.
See www.goodgrapher.com

Visit www.goodgrapher.com for more screenshots, demo videos, details and news. Feel free to contact us for any questions and suggestions.

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