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Billiards Aiming Assistant 8.8 ios官方版

Billiards Aiming Assistant 8.8 ios官方版

  • 分类:教育软件
  • 大小:147.9 MB
  • 语言:土耳其文, 希腊文, 意大利文, 法语, 英语, 荷兰文, 西班牙文, 越南文, 韩文
  • 版本:8.8
  • 时间:2023-12-21 12:33:00
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://billiardsaimingassistant.webflow.io/
  • 平台:iOS 12.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 体育

软件Tags: 体育

Do you want to improve your game in Carom Billiards? Then you need to improve your aiming.

Designed and visually presented as an assistant for your practice, Billiards Aiming Assistant utilizes the theory of Tome di Bola and takes it from plan view to the way you will see the balls when actually playing. Striving to create a more realistic representation of your aiming lines, it will always be at hand during your practice, be it on your mobile or your tablet.

Billiards Aiming Assistant is the tool that will help you understand the way to aim when playing with ball systems in 3 cushion billiards. Incorporating all aspects of aiming every player should take into consideration in order to deliver an accurate hit, this app turns a complex thinking and assessing process into a series of easy and comprehensive steps.

With 5 easy steps you can:

1. Setup the application as per your current cueing action results and relevant deflection. You will always bill able to re-setup your personal cueing parameters, should you change cue, cue tip, shaft or even cueing action. Therefore it will always assist you with your current player characteristics, thus helping you to incorporate any change in style or gear and improve faster.

2. Position the cue ball according to the desired thickness against the first object ball and estimate your aiming in relevance to the tips of english of your choice for every point.

By simulating the produced deflection, based on tips of english and distance between cue ball/object ball, Billiards Aiming Assistant will create a dummy ball, always locked on the cue ball, representing the cue ball's deflection augmented position, prior to contacting the object ball. Slide the dummy ball to the desired thickness and you will get the simulated true cue ball position for your aim.

Billiards Aiming Assistant is the tool that will actively help you to create a mental mapping of all relevant aiming ball thickness' you mostly use as a player.

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