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0.3MP Camera ios官方版

0.3MP Camera ios官方版

  • 分类:摄影软件
  • 大小:42.2 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:
  • 时间:2023-12-14 21:24:27
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://d-w-s-h.github.io/0.3-MP-Camera/support/support.html
  • 厂商:Dmitry Shatilov
  • 平台:iOS 15.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 摄影与录像

软件Tags: 摄影与录像

The 0.3MP Camera is a tribute to the button phone cameras from '00s, in those days, we had enough 0.3 megapixels and 640x480 resolution to capture the best moments. Now so many years later, those pictures seem so dreamy, so I've tried to recreate all aspects of making it.

The camera recreates all the artifacts inherent in the old CCD sensors of mid-range phones, like bayer filter artifacts, dark and banding noises, blooming etc. You can pinch to zoom to make it more visible, the digital zoom will reduce the quality of the photo just like on an old phone.

The interface will be recognized by all who had an any Nokia with Symbian s40, all control is done with three buttons at the bottom. You can shoot on camera or import your own photos for processing. Nothing extra.


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