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DNS Security Pro 1.8.0 ios官方版

DNS Security Pro 1.8.0 ios官方版

  • 分类:生活软件
  • 大小:16.8 MB
  • 语言:繁体中文、英语
  • 版本:1.8.0
  • 时间:2024-06-25 09:09:41
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://dns-security.peterlee.app
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:
  • 标签: 工具

软件Tags: 工具

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT) are protocols that enhance the security and privacy of your internet connection by encrypting your DNS queries.

When you visit a website with HTTPS, your data is encrypted, but traditionally, your DNS queries, which translate human-readable domain names into IP addresses, have been sent over an unencrypted connection. This leaves your online activities vulnerable to potential eavesdropping, data manipulation, and tracking by malicious actors.

DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS address this security gap by encrypting your DNS queries, ensuring that even your DNS requests remain private and secure. This prevents malicious entities from intercepting your DNS queries to redirect you to phishing, malware, or surveillance websites.

Key Features:

DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS support without the need for VPN configurations.
Configurable: You can add your own DNS server for added flexibility.
Privacy-Focused: Our app only secures your DNS queries through trusted service providers and does not route any other connections through external servers. We do not collect any user information.
Transparency: You can choose from various trusted service providers such as Google, Cloudflare, AdGuard, and more.
DNS over HTTPS (DoH) uses port 443, while DNS over TLS (DoT) uses port 853.
Take control of your online privacy and security with DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS. Install our app today and enjoy a safer and more private browsing experience. 

We welcome your feedback and suggestions to help us continually improve the app.

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