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Rozeta Sequencer Suite 1.3.16 ios官方版

Rozeta Sequencer Suite 1.3.16 ios官方版

  • 分类:音乐软件
  • 大小:3.6 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:1.3.16
  • 时间:2024-06-20 09:23:15
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.ruismaker.com
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:iOS 11.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 音乐

软件Tags: 音乐

Rozeta is a suite of MIDI sequencers and controllers that lets you explore a new, freeform approach to sequencing and controlling mobile music apps.

The app contains 10 MIDI Audio Units (a totally new feature in iOS11) in a single package, which can be loaded in compatible MIDI AU hosts (AUM, Cubasis 2, ApeMatrix, Sequencism).

1) Rozeta Bassline: a monosequencer based on the popular Troublemaker sequencer. Obviously comes with all the randomization and mutation features. Up to 8 patterns per sequence, with Follow Actions. Transpose using MIDI.

2) Rozeta Rhythm: a euclidean drum sequencer with mutations per instrument and polyrhythms. Comes with configurable key mappings for many popular drum apps.

3) Rozeta X0X: classic TR-styles step sequencer for drum machines. Supports triplets, polyrhythms and mutations per channel. Optionally emulates the exact timing jitter pattern of the legendary TR-808

4) Rozeta LFO: a triple MIDI LFO generator lets you modulate CC parameters of your MIDI instruments. Apply amplitude modulation to each wave for more organic behavior. Optionally syncs to tempo.

5) Rozeta XY: a double XY Controller Pad for generating 4 simultaneous configurable CC controller streams per instance. Also features MOD wheel and PitchBend sliders.

6) Rozeta Arpeggio: adds a MIDI arpeggiator to any of your synths. Offers latch mode, shuffle and automatic tempo synchronization. Turn any incoming MIDI stream into an arpeggio on the fly.

7) Rozeta Particles: MIDI particle generator - generates a cloud of MIDI notes that create pseudo-random patterns when bounding off the walls.

8) Rozeta Cells: Polyphonic Step Recorder - record and play back polyphonic phrases and patterns.

9) Rozeta Collider: MIDI Hadron Collider - explore semi-repeating generative patterns and melodies.

10) Rozeta Scaler (NEW): MIDI Scale Quantizer and Transposer - tune incoming MIDI to a different scale, never play out of tune again.

- these plugins do not run as a standalone app and require a compatible host to work
- MIDI is not sound. To make sound you'll have to feed the MIDI into a synthesizer or instrument app. Bring your own synths!

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