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Mastering Academic Writing 1.0 ios官方版

Mastering Academic Writing 1.0 ios官方版

  • 分类:教育软件
  • 大小:11 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:1.0
  • 时间:2024-06-19 15:08:16
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.facebook.com/SmartEdu-Lab-122691658288895/
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:iOS 7.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 教育

软件Tags: 教育

This app is designed to help you master Academic writing.

It contains over 650 sentence templates organized around the typical sections of an academic paper. Here are some examples:

●. Establishing a research territory
- The last few years have seen an increased interest in ____.
- ___ has led to a renewed interest in ___
- A number of recent studies has addressed the issue of ___

●. Describing research gaps
- To date, no study has looked specifically at ____.
- There is limited research investigating ___
- To date, scant attention has been paid to ____

●. Stating your aims
- The aim of this study is to discuss the extent to which ____.
- This study examines the relationship between ____ and ___
- The study sought to provide detailed information on ____

●. Describing the scope and organization of your paper
- In chapter ____ , the concept of ____ is further explored.
- This paper provides an overview of recent developments in ___
- In chapter ___, the concept of ____ is further explored.

●. General literature review
- A number of scholars have attempted to identify ____.
- In the literature on ___, there seems to be general agreement that ___
- It is generally accepted wisdom that ___

●. Referencing
- In his 1799 study, Smith argued that ____.
- Smith and Jones, in their study of ___, found that ___
- Smith and Jones have carried out an extensive study on ___

●. Sampling and data collection
- Participants were randomly selected based on ____.
- Participants in this study were randomly sampled from____.
- The sample for this study was randomly drawn from ____.

●. Data analysis and discussion
- The data provide preliminary evidence that ____.
- No significant correlations were obtained between ___ and ___.
- The results yielded no proof of ____.

If you need to paraphrase a phrase or sentence, this list of sentence template will be of great value to you.

Additionally contains 90 grammar and vocabulary tips for both native and non-native speakers. For example:
- Use -fold such as twofold, fivefold as adjectives and adverbs
- "Due to" is more formal way of saying "because of"
- "To date" is a slightly more formal way of saying "until now, so far"
- Use "in-depth" as adjective
- Use "take into account"
- "Seek" is more formal way of saying "try to do"
- Use "former" and "latter" to refer to the first and the second of two mentions people or things
- Use "to a certain extent" to show how far something is true
- Use "in which" to make a sentence more formal
- What's the difference between "effect" and "affect"? “Imply” and “infer”?
- Is "irregardless" correct?
- Do you say "the criteria was" or "the criteria were"?
- etc.

This app is great reference for both graduate and undergraduate students who already know the basics of academic writing but may still struggle to express their ideas using the right words.

● Quiz:
- Do quizzes after each section

● write note
- You can write note for each entry and review it later

● create a list
- You can create a list and add an entry into that list

● advanced search
- Search an entry by using its meaning with advanced option

● other features:
- bookmark an entry
- search for an entry

● Entry browser
- Browse all entries in a list by sliding left or right

● If you want to give feedback or suggest a new feature, please use the feedback feature in the settings

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