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Fiddle by Ear 1.1 ios官方版

Fiddle by Ear 1.1 ios官方版

  • 分类:音乐软件
  • 大小:147.9 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:1.1
  • 时间:2024-06-12 09:28:28
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://pianobyearapp.turbo.site/support
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:iOS 11.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 音乐

软件Tags: 音乐

...continuing the age-old tradition of learning to play the fiddle by ear, now you are able to do it even more efficiently thanks to this app!

Learn to express yourself with this beautiful instrument in DAYS and WEEKS instead if YEARS. With our unique learning method you will accomplish just that!

This is a very powerful ear training and learning tool for musicians who want a shortcut to fluency on the fiddle. With this tool you will be able to play the fiddle it is meant to be played by ear, any melody or solo, you will gain a very deep understanding of chords and the notes they consist of and are surrounded by, they tell you all about this in lessons, but you never actually get to ingrain it. Yet this is the most important skill there is for mastering the fiddle and play any music by ear.

The app allows you to practice with just the smartphone or with your real fiddle.

This exercise might look a little bit tedious, but trust us, you will see very powerful results in your music within days of using the app. You could call it hacking the fiddle. Provided you possess the basic notes and scale playing skills (youtube will teach you that very easily), you will learn to play the fiddle by ear in DAYS with Fiddle by Ear, something other musicians struggle for YEARS for and still not everyone gets there. You will. During the first month. How much money would you pay to obtain such a skill? Consider this your lucky day, because you are on your way for real musicianship whether it is your hobby or you want to pursue career in music, this app sets you up for the best results.

Even if you prefer to play looking at the notes, this app will greatly enhance your ability to see music, hear the written music in your mind, understand music more easily and even remember music much more easily.

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