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INR Diary 2.2.2 ios官方版

INR Diary 2.2.2 ios官方版

  • 分类:健康软件
  • 大小:36.7 MB
  • 语言:加泰罗尼亚文、德文、意大利文、法语、英语、荷兰文、西班牙文
  • 版本:2.2.2
  • 时间:2024-06-11 12:19:18
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.inrdiary.com/#faq
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:iOS 12.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 医疗

软件Tags: 医疗

INR Diary assists in following up your anticoagulation programme. Insert the daily dose of your blood thinner medication (Warfarin, Coumadin, Marcoumar, Sintrom, Marevan, Falithrom, ...) for a certain period of time. You can add one dose at a time or multiple doses in bulk, according to a dose scheme. Doses can be expressed as an amount of pills or in milligrams. The app will remind you to take your daily dose at a personally configurable time.

Tap on your daily dose to confirm you've taken the blood thinner medication. The timestamp of confirmation is stored in the app. That way, you'll never forget if and at what time you've taken your medication.

The app can also record the INR measurements of your blood and visualizes the evolution of your INR in time. The app also reminds you when a new INR measurement is planned.

Dose and INR data can be exported or imported for backup purposes, or if you want to discuss this with your medical expert.

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