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HEARD 1.1.4 ios官方版

HEARD 1.1.4 ios官方版

  • 分类:效率软件
  • 大小:7.9 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:1.1.4
  • 时间:2024-06-02 18:38:01
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.HeardApp.com
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:iOS 10.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 效率

软件Tags: 效率

Let's admit it, we don't have perfect memories, and for the most part that's a good thing :) But there are many situations when we wish we did have perfect memory. HEARD is a practical way to have a backup of anything important you hear. When you hear something worth remembering, tap a button to preserve it for later reference. Its that simple :)

Featured by: TechCrunch, PCMagazine, LifeHacker, USAToday, FoxNews, and 100s of other publications.

HEARD is a ground-breaking app that lets you capture sounds from up to 5 minutes in the past.

**** Diverse uses as reported by our users:
- Office Productivity: Focus on the conversations, capture audio highlights, then synthesize notes offline, stress free!
- As a back up for our short term memory, especially but not exclusively for the elderly
- Improves grades in the classroom: similar to office productivity, but also as a work around for when we zone out for a while during say a late afternoon session and something important gets said. Also as an aid for students with disabilities such as dysgraphia
- Musicians can capture gems in practice sessions
- Law enforcement. Let's leave it at that :-)
- Bird watching
- Capture kids cute words, or a joke at a party.
.... and many many more !!

Now the base version gives you a 1 min buffer. An In-App purchase is needed to buffer up to 5 mins.

Just like any app that uses the MIC on iOS, while HEARD is listening in the background:
- you will notice a red bar at the top of the screen
- some notifications get silenced by the OS when the MIC is ON. Although the important stuff such as Phone calls, Calendar alerts and Clock alarms will continue to make sounds
- Recording 'regular' cell phone calls is not allowed by iOS. But the app should work fine with VoIP calls such as Skype and Viber (when on speaker)

We take user's privacy very seriously, and we go the extra mile to make sure we protect it:
- Nothing gets saved to permanent storage until the user tells us to do so. This means, what gets 'recorded' is completely in the user's control. After a few mins (equal to the length of the buffer) there is no trace left of the audio HEARD listened to
- User's recordings never leave the device unless the user wants them to e.g via email or FB post.

How many times have you been in a meeting, playing with the kids or just hanging out with friends and family…and wished you could have recorded what just happened? Unless you’re a mind reader, there’s never been a way to see into the future and anticipate all those save-worthy sound bites. Until now.

With HEARD installed on your iPhone, you have a powerful time-shifting app that lets you customize how far back you want to go so you can grab that otherwise missed audio. The HEARD app runs silently (and seamlessly) in the background and ‒ with a simple tap ‒ the instructions / driving directions / jokes / stories / first words / laughter you would have previously missed are now saved and stored on your iPhone.

You probably never go anywhere without your iPhone, right? Now, with a quick download, HEARD lets you travel back in time from a few seconds (for free) to as much as five minutes (with the one-time, in-app upgrade).

With HEARD, the length of the audio clip(s) you save are completely up to you. The interface is easy to navigate and you only keep what you “tap-and-tell” the app to go back and capture as soon as you’ve heard it. Every saved sound bite is stored in your personal library…and then the fun really begins! You can:

• Replay previously-recorded audio clips
• Associate each clip with an appropriate photo from the camera roll
• Share via e-mail (using Quicktime)
• Post to Facebook (where permission and privacy settings are up to you)

It’s time to stop wishing you could have recorded it – and save it even after you’ve HEARD it.

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