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Flat Earth Pro 1.0.7 ios官方版

Flat Earth Pro 1.0.7 ios官方版

  • 分类:教育软件
  • 大小:216 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:1.0.7
  • 时间:2024-04-29 15:06:49
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://theoathman.github.io/support/
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:iOS 11.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 教育

软件Tags: 教育

Flat Earth app is a tool used to visualise daylight coverage, sun and moon overhead positions, rise and set times, moon phases, lunar parallactic angle and liberations, and much more in a simple and easy to read Azimuthal projection of the earth.

Once you start the application, you will be informed immediately about the current zenith (overhead) position of the sun and moon, the current phase and parallactic angle of the moon, day and night map and much more relative to any observer position on earth. With one touch you can rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise to move time to the future or to the past and visualise the orbital motion of Sun, Moon, and 5 more optional celestial bodies realtime and with great accuracy. All of the core features of the app work offline including time zones.

The graphical positions of the celestial bodies on the map represent the zenith (overhead) position relative to the app time. The direction of the celestial body (azimuth) in your local sky and its altitude can be visualised as well as the sky dome relative to any location through the navigation tab.

The Flat Earth Application includes:

- Lunar Perigee and Apogee in realtime as well as event schedule.

- Lunar Phases in realtime as well as event schedule.

- Local and regular Compass, and directions for the current sky position for all of the available celestial bodies.

- Altitude , azimuth and current zenith position are featured and easily accessible for every feature celestial body.

- Day light coverage visualisation over the earth for any particular time instant.

- The rise and set times for any location on earth for all the of the available celestial bodies.

- All time zones.

- Moon libration and Orientation at any date and time and at any location.

- Unique local weather forecast integrated within the app in app time controller.

- Unlimited Moon, Sun and Earth Data at ANY date and time.

- The ability to take and share a high resolution shot of the earth a moon.

- Custom Notification at any date and time.

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