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Aftab Luminance 1.3.2 ios官方版

Aftab Luminance 1.3.2 ios官方版

  • 分类:摄影软件
  • 大小:13.2 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:1.3.2
  • 时间:2024-04-11 18:25:58
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://aftabsoft.net/aftab-luminance.html
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:iOS 9.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 摄影与录像

软件Tags: 摄影与录像

By creating a real HDR image that can be downloaded or uploaded via iTunes to or from a computer, this app is suited for four different users that are as follows:
1- Lighting Design
2- Architecture
3- Photographing
4- Real State

Regarding the lighting designer needs, the main function of this iPhone application is to create physically based HDR images in which each pixel corresponds to a realistic luminance value. To get more reliable values, there is a very simple way to calibrate the camera.
Therefore, by using this app and then measuring luminance values of each pixel, minimum, maximum, mean, and average values of any area in the scene, or by creating falsecolor images with different scales and color palettes we can evaluate quantity or even quality of light conditions in a realistic space.
Moreover with the help of the GPS navigation unit and motion sensor, this app can create a sun-path diagram and measure total sunlight hours, and estimate Daylight Autonomy, Continuous Daylight Autonomy and also Daylight Factor for each specific camera point and view direction in the space.
It can also create a yearly temporal daylight illuminance diagram of the camera point in the space.

Considering the Architects needs, all daylight availability estimations, and Sun-Path diagrams, that are mentioned in the above, can be useful for all architects especially when evaluating the existing condition of any spaces.

For photographers, by creating HDR images that are possible to be saved in the computers, this app can help them to do some image post processing on the HDR images by other computer software.

And finally for the real state occupations and those that are planing to buy a new house or apartment, this app can help them to understand the natural light condition and sunlight hours access of each space in the building before deciding to buy them.

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