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Pedi STAT 5.0.5 ios官方版

Pedi STAT 5.0.5 ios官方版

  • 分类:健康软件
  • 大小:44 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:5.0.5
  • 时间:2024-03-18 15:13:58
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.pedi-stat.com
  • 厂商:James M Kempema MD PA
  • 平台:iOS 12.0 或更高版本
  • 标签: 医疗

软件Tags: 医疗

Pedi-STAT is a rapid reference for RNs, paramedics, physicians and other healthcare professionals caring for pediatric patients in the emergency or critical care environment.


Among "The Best Drug Reference Apps for Emergency Physicians" - Emergency Physicians Monthly

5 STARS - "Simple interface provides rapid access to critical data needed when managing a critically ill pediatric patient"

5 Stars - "Very useful for treating kids in high pressure situations with precision."


Pedi-STAT features include:

- Rapid results for airway interventions including endotracheal tube sizes, depth, intubation medication dosages, ventilator settings, and sedation

- Cardiac resuscitation data including weight specific dosages for resuscitation medications, cardioversion, and defibrillation

- Access to age and weight specific pediatric equipment including foley catheters, airway management, chest and NG tubes, peripheral and central line sizes, and more

- Seizure medication dosages

- Management of hypoglycemia including age specific dextrose concentrations

- Reference of age specific normal vital signs

- Procedural sedation dosages including single dose meds and infusions, as well as reversal agents

- Calculated pain management medications

- Medical management of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis

Users can quickly access critical information accurately, without having to rely on memory or cumbersome textbooks.

With just a few taps, users have access to all the necessary data to care for a pediatric patient in the emergent setting, including weight-based and age specific medication dosages and equipment sizes.

Since many of the patients present with minimal known information, all the results can be calculated rapidly with only a known age, date-of-birth, weight, length, or height. Simply enter the known variable and the data is instantly calculated.

Developed by an Emergency Physician, this app minimizes the risk of medical errors allowing the provider to spend more time caring for the patient, and less time looking up and calculating doses.

It is a critical companion for any physician, nurse, paramedic, or medical trainee involved in the care of critically ill pediatric patients.

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