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Readiness 1.0.2 ios官方版

Readiness 1.0.2 ios官方版

  • 分类:教育软件
  • 大小:4.9 MB
  • 语言:英语, 西班牙文
  • 版本:1.0.2
  • 时间:2024-03-09 09:23:55
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.carlos-balsalobre.com
  • 厂商:Carlos Balsalobre
  • 平台:
  • 标签: 体育

软件Tags: 体育

Are you ready to perform at your best? Readiness can assess how prepared are you to train and compete with a very short, evidence-based wellness questionnaire right from your iPhone, iPad or Mac!

Designed by the sports scientist behind popular apps like My Jump 2 or My Lift, Readiness can help coaches and athletes in their decision making process by monitoring daily readiness in a simple way. It creates a Readiness score in a scale of 1 to 9 based on perceived sleep quality, muscle soreness, fatigue and stress. Then, it compares daily scores with the average of the previous two months using a very intuitive traffic light system: green is ok, orange is moderate fatigue and red is high fatigue.

Also, Readiness has great features that can help coaches and athletes to improve their training:
-Create as many teams as athletes as you want with no restrictions
-Register as many tests per athletes as you want
-Export the whole data in a CSV file to Excel or other popular apps
-Check your evolution with intuitive graphs

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