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Disc in! 1.1 ios官方版

Disc in! 1.1 ios官方版

  • 分类:教育软件
  • 大小:17.2 MB
  • 语言:英语
  • 版本:1.1
  • 时间:2024-02-28 18:46:10
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://sites.google.com/view/discin
  • 厂商:Jacob Kosman
  • 平台:iOS 11.1 或更高版本
  • 标签: 体育

软件Tags: 体育

Calling all Ultimate coaches! This app helps you manage your game of Ultimate. It helps you keep track of your players - who's on the field playing, for how long, how many consecutive points, who's next to go in. Also helps you keep score, and keeps track of game time.

(Note: This app is not for team communication, scheduling, or managing practices. It is only for managing actual games and scrimmages.)

Ultimate is one of the fastest-growing sports in schools across the U.S, and growing in other countries too. Kids are signing up to play it faster than coaches can be taught to coach it! This app is designed for use by coaches at elementary schools, middle schools, and even high schools. These school programs often have a large number of players on a team, and it is almost impossible to give kids fairly equal, or equitable, playing time.

An app designed for this purpose makes tracking playing time a breeze. At-a-glance data shows which kids have been playing least, most, and who should be up next to play.

Key features:
- Set up your game information: what score your team is playing to, what time the game ends, how many players on the field at a time.
- Manage your roster: Add/remove players, mark players as having arrived for the game.
- Manage the actual game: Keep score, keep track of time, and track the players. Who's on the field? How long have they been on? How many points have they played? Who's next to go on? Substitute players in and out. Sort your lists of players by either total playing time, or by sequential order (like batting rotation).
- Keep track of game stats: See stats on all players, like how many consecutive points they've played, how many total points they've played in the current game, how many total minutes they've played, and their number in the sequential order.
- Reminds you when it is half-time.
- Timer flashes when it's 10 minutes, and three minutes, till end of game time.
- Allows you to pause game, and undo a player substitution. Allows for one-for-one substitution in case of injury.
- Built-in help system gives you quick explanations of each control.

We hope you find it useful! See more info at https://sites.google.com/view/discin/


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